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How do I get better at running? #Runstrong


Running... love it or hate it!

It's a funny old thing running, you look around and see some people seem to be good at it and then you feel like you make no progress at all, so you up the miles to try and get better but you end up losing your motivation (your running bug) and sometimes even pick up an injury or feel completely wiped out from overtraining.

I keep seeing over and over again people skipping (I'd go as far to say, the most important part) of the jigsaw that can make you better at running and help against injury - strength training! This is why I started my Run Strong programme.

I know you're thinking how can strength training help it will just make my legs hurt so I won't be able to run the next day, now hear me out. Regular strength training can and should compliment your running with the aim of improving your running performance and economy as well as helping to reduce the risk of injury.

The Run Strong programme is designed for beginners through to ultra marathon runners. I am working with clients who are just starting their running journey and aiming to run their first ever 5k, clients who couldn't seem to improve their running times, clients who came to me not really knowing what they were doing when it came to running and to a runner training for 3 consecutive ultra marathons.

My philosophy as a coach is to help you reach your goals, and for me it's important that your running and / or strength programme has structure and specificity, but most importantly it fits around you and your lifestyle which is why I work closely with you from the beginning to make sure this happens.

There are a few options available to you when working with me. Programming is sent to you online via a free app, which you can receive either monthly or weekly. Weekly programming means you can discuss with me how you felt your week of training has been, what commitments you have for the next week etc. This then enables me to programme for your upcoming week based on this feedback to ensure you are getting maximal training, recovery and enjoyment from the programme.

A well designed strength and conditioning programme will help you reap the benefits of your running goals without compromising any other aspect of your training. The aim of the Run Strong programme is exactly that! The programme will work on your running strength, muscular endurance, mobility and core etc, which is all built around you, your movement abilities, your exercise age, race(s) and recovery. A full assessment will take place before any programmes are written to ensure this is built to you and your goals.

If you are still not convinced how strength training can help you why not check out some of my testimonials. Over the coming weeks some of my Run Strong clients are going to be guest blogging about their journey to provide more of an insight into their life, running and training with me.

I aim to help motivate, inspire, increase your enjoyment by adding in variety and purpose to your training no matter what your goal!

If you have any questions or want to know more about my Run Strong Programme, get in touch!

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